In just a few short weeks Alison and her family will embark on a three year adventure in Aberdeen, Scotland. I really can’t wrap my brain around this, and pretty much tear up each and every time I try. This is one of those times when I am so very grateful that I live in the age of blogging. Over the years I have managed to record quite a few sweet memories that include all the Chinos here on my blog, and through Alison’s blogging, I will be able keep up with my friend and her sweet family during this next chapter of their story.So without any more rambling on my part, let’s get to it:
Sometimes I feel as if writing, parenting, and the practicing my faith are all drawing from the same well inside me, that they tax the same part of my heart. This means that quite often I find that I have depleted all of my resources pouring into just one of the three, leaving the other two wanting. Do you have this same issue, or is it just me? What do you do to recharge, or refill the well,
In your parenting?
As a parent, I am shifting seasons. Two of my kids are in high school now, and I still want to treat them like they are little ducklings under my wing. I am daily learning to let go. Even now, both of them are off in the world somewhere, away from me. When it keeps me up at night, I try to remember to drop to my knees instead of wringing my hands.
New places open up new parts of my brain and get my juices flowing. It’s great inspiration for writing and for cooking, because I try new things. I also find that I have to rely more on God when I am pushed outside of my comfort zone and normal routines, and being dependent on God always grows my faith.In parenting, travel provides the opportunity to be together as a family in a way that is completely different from being at home. We are able to pay more attention to each other and we make these memories that are quintessentially us. My strongest memories of my own childhood are the crazy trips we did with my family, so it’s important to me to create those same experiences for my children. Even when it seems impossible or crazy. Like the summer we spent all together in a pop up camper traveling the Pacific Northwest or going backpacking in the Rocky Mountains this summer. These journeys have not been without hiccups and challenges, but I hope that my kids are taking away that in faith and in life, what you learn and experience along the way is as important as the end result. I’m praying that we will be able to say that about moving to Scotland as well!
Also, if anything Alison said struck a chord in you, please say so! The great thing about blogging is that we can encourage each other, right here in this little online space, from wherever we are, no need to even put on make-up or brush our hair. So please, leave Alison some love in the comments!
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