The school that I worked at (and were my boys attend) is right smack in the heart of downtown Little Rock. A lot of people who have not been to Little Rock aren’t always aware of just how fabulous and artsy we really are. On even given day you can walk out the front doors of our school, take a brisk stroll down the street and go see a Picasso or a Monet. You can turn a corner and go watch amazing theatre, attend a lecture by a famous politician, and eat food that you will dream about for weeks after. Another thing you can do is walk to the Farmers Market. While the big markets are held on Saturday mornings, there are several farmers and craft artist who show up to pawn their wares on Tuesdays too. Yesterday on my lunch break I walked down to the Rivermarket district in hunt of some yummy homegrown fruits and veggies.
This is what I found:
Snap beans
Fruit baskets
Colorful chard.
Turnips. My mother makes a great cake from these.
Green tomatoes for frying or pickling
Reds for eating sliced with salt or on your BLT
Georgia Peaches – the Arky ones are not in season yet
Arkansas Strawberries – a gift from heaven
Okra, I love it anyway you cook it.
I am a southern gal, I cannot deny it.
So that is what was at the market yesterday…Can’t wait to see what else rolls in as the summer arrives!
lisa says
Your Mom makes a cake from turnups?! Ok you sooo have to share that!
Carrie says
I love going to the farmers market 🙂 now I really want a watermelon lol
Erica says
Great photos, -all that colour is fab!