the way my mind works lately is like this: what do I have to do Today? Not, what do I have to do Tomorrow? Next Week? Next Month? nope, if it is not on the list for Today, then chances are I am not going to plan for it. well maybe I am stretching the truth a little but not too much. the result of thinking like this is that I am rarely overwhelmed. another result? we have 1 week till ... View Post
every day holiday table
One of my goals this past year has been to find ways to really use our house to it's full potential. not wasting space, not complaining about what we don't have and working with what we do have. We are still working on that goal, but one thing we have done well so far is that we have began to use our dining room table as our every-day table. This solved 2 issues; firstly it keeps us from ... View Post
Holly Jolly Folly – The Party
Oh my do I love a good old fashioned Christmas party! Egg Nog and Cheese Balls and Boiled Shrimp Pinned to foam trees with toothpicks. Or a Holiday party with a Chinese buffet and well mixed drinks. Deciding what to wear, deciding what to take, pulling out your "party purse." Now you all know that I will happily Make Do and Mend. I will Stay Calm and Carry On. I will Hunker Down and Hold ... View Post
I am not ashamed of my period. There I said it.
I am not ashamed of my period, but I am sure this will cost me my dantiness in some of your eyes (well okay, perhaps only one eye or two.) At least it would have cost me in 195- fill in the blank. I am pretty sure y'all can handle one more soap box rant from me. I promise this will be the last one. For this month. Probably. This is the thing. I am not a menstrating goddess. I do not have ... View Post