Today is my 10th Blogiversary!
10 years. A whole decade, and what a decade it has been.
My foray into blogging had no real agenda, no real motivation, no plan.
I just knew that I loved the idea of being able to pair pictures with words, and that I wanted to be a part of the creative communities bursting open all around me online.
I had discovered both Dooce and Posie and between the two wildly different as they were – whole worlds of writers, mothers, truth-tellers, bakers, crafters, and more had opened up to me, worlds as I was desperate for as I began my thirties.
I began back before Social Media or Smart Phones were things. I began before personal branding and platform management was even a blip on the radar of things I should worry about. Before sponsorships, or brand ambassadors, or paid content reared their complicated heads.
I began blogging in the old days – when blogging was just blogging. Just telling stories, sharing images, just little bits of something or nothing, depending on the day.
For better, or for worse, this is still how I blog.
Yes, the pictures have gotten better (thankfully,) the site is a little more sophisticated, and I now fret over branding and platforms from time to time, and try to find the ethical and authentic line when taking on sponsorships here and there, but over all my approach is still the same.
This little online space will always be the ultimate catch-all of my life. Part family scrapbook, part diary, part to-list, part recipe box, part coffee chat, part gallery, part shitty-first-drafts, part confessional, part garden journal.
It is a record of my beautimess attempts at living a sacramental life – a life that is filled with the finding, the celebrating, and the looking for all the visible outward signs of inward spiritual graces.
Dinner parties filled with redemption, garden patches planted with hope, thrifted furniture restored and loved, mothering mistakes soaked in grace.
These are the things I blog about, will keep blogging about as long as a I can – imperfectly, erratically, lovingly.
Again and again, I will come back to this place and post for the record all the ways in which I see grace made visible, in little and big ways, ordinary and extraordinary, daily and once-in-a-lifetime ways, because that is what I do here. It is what I have always done (even when I didn’t know it.)
This is a screen shot of my very first blog post. The camera I used was an itty bitty point and shoot, my first digital camera – oh, I was so fancy.
And that question I asked then, I will ask again – with one modification, one change that sums up what I have learned the most in the past ten years…
What do you see?
Wishes, weeds, or wonder?
Happy 10 Years Friends! Here is to 10 more!
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