Fried Chicken, Gilmore Girls reunion, Pink Tractors, Backyard Studios, America’s Got Talent, hidden chalkboards, #SayHerName, and Sorta Awesome Podcast’.
It’s all here on Friday Favorites.
Are you ready for All The Things?
Let’s do it!
I am a Southern Gal with some wild Pacific Northwest streaks.
But mostly I am southern. Always have been, no matter where I have lived. Sweet tea is in my blood.
This means that I can eat some fried chicken. It means that I have opinions on fried chicken. It means I have all the thoughts about some fried chicken.
But I have to confess that I have never made fried chicken myself. Scandalous, I know.
But this summer – once our vent-a-hood is installed – I am tackling this challenge. Pinkie swear.
And this recipe from Handmade Home is going on the list of ones to try.
Plus, I just love the photo styling in this pic. It is very A Homemade Year, don’t you think?
On Family
I love, love, this shed-office that Jamie’s husband built for her. And more than that I love the story of how it was built.
It reminds me of the sort of things tha Sweet Man does for me.
On Faith
“You are made in the image of God, DaJerria, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are valuable. You are beloved.
Let her be a person, not a news story or a litany or a victim. We will learn from the marginalized and oppressed, we will believe their stories. We will incline our ears and amplify voices. We will become educated beyond our own narrow context. We will not become numb and we won’t mind our own business, we will let our hearts cry out alongside of our sisters.
Say a name today.
DaJerria Becton.”
On Farm
This week I stumbled upon this fun site called Pink Tractor. The site is female farmer and farmer-wife focused, but really anyone can use it.
So far my favorite feature are resources list, like the Ag Glossary and Equipment Database. You better believe I have bookmarked this site!
On Fluff
So if you have hung around here long you might have noticed that I have a thing for vintage chalkboards.
You might even say I have chalkboard obsession…
Which is why I am gaga over the recent discovery of preserved 100-year-old chalkboards, discovered in Oklahoma. Go read the whole article and see all the chalkboards. The amateur anthropologist in me is just giddy about these.
And now here are several category defying finds that I jut HAD to share!
First, have you seen the hour-long reunion interview with the cast and creator of Gilmore Girls??
If not, go watch it now!
If you haven’t discovered the Sorta Awesome podcast with the lovely Megan Tietz, go now and add it to your must-listens. You can also check out all the show notes on her tumbler site. Laura Tremaine (aka Hollywood Housewife) is one of her co-host and their shows are my favorites, primarily because I have personal connections with them both as they have both been great supporters of A Homemade Year, so listening to them is like listening to friends.I primarily listen to the podcast on my drives into town from the farm, but they are also good listens while cleaning house or on walks.
Kinda makes me wanna start my own podcast…
And finally I had to share this video of Sharon Irving. Sharon was one of the worship leaders at a conference I went to in April and she blew me away. Even though her talent is immense, what came through the most during that week, was her heart, and her love of God. She never stole the show or made what she was doing all about her. She led us with humility and gentleness. So it is particularly wonderful to see her step out and SHINE in this video. Just made my heart happy.
Additional Links:
Great Review of A Homemade Year
Order my book A Homemade Year: The Blessings of Cooking, Crafting, and Coming Together and have a #homespunsummer
The summer activities in this book are some of my personal favorites and some of the most fun for all ages!
Have a great weekend friends!
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