Last week was my blogiversary. Nine years. Almost a decade.
I started blogging because I realized that I could pair pictures with my words. Which is how my mind works. There are artist out there who think only in images and there are writers who think only in words.
I am some sort of hybrid. I think in both 80% of the time at least. Maybe 90%.
When I began blogging, back in the stone age, I had no idea what sort of blogger I wanted to be, or if I would even keep it up for very long.
Now, nine years later, I still can’t really tell you what sort of blogger I am (faith? home? mommy? craft?,) but I can tell you that I think I will keep it up a little longer.
Because this blog has been the greatest gift to me.
For nine years I have posted birthday parties, holidays, new ideas, exciting news, disappointments, messes, changes, losses, fresh starts, projects, wishes, dreams, growing kids, hard truths, likes, dislikes, favorite moments, stuff I want, stuff I have, stuff I am watching or reading or thinking about, and a few deep thoughts.
This blog is an amazing time capsule full of so many memories. There are so many images and words that I would have long ago forgotten if I hadn’t recorded them here. The way my life is cataloged on these pages always surprises and amazes me. More than once I have looked through the archvies to try and place a time or an event. What a gift to be able to travel back in time and trace the beautiful, sometimes rocky, winding road, that is my life.
In addition to this time-traveling gift, there have been other amazing benefits in exchange for the hours spent tapping the keyboard and editing pictures. Because of this blog I have made amazing friends, stretched my writing wings, become a better photographer, and had the opportunity to try products I would never be able to afford otherwise.
This has always been my experimenting place and will all continue to be. This is the place where I try things out. Sometimes I fail (never sold an a blog advertisement in my life,) and sometimes I succeed (remember when we built a house together?) I have never gone viral, but I have been noticed.
My “platform” isn’t huge, but it isn’t miniscule either.
I don’t make money from the blog directly, but I have had financial opportunities open up because of the work I do here.
I have a blog-identity crisis at least once a year and I have changed the blogs name at least three times – finally settling on what it should have always been – my name. Fingers crossed – I think I have finally found a rhythm and “vibe” that fits me best, but I imagine that as I (and my life,) continue to grow and change, so will this blog.
I have tried vlogging (something I want to do more of but still find very clunky,) and I am determined to trying podcasting after I turn in Book 2. I adore Instagram, and Pinterest is a miracle for inspiration, but this blog will always be my first love.
Some people write their blogs for themselves and some people write for others. I do both. I write to share. I write to remember. I write to encourage. I write to inspire. I write to figure out what I think. When I write, I imagine that you are with me, listening, nodding, adding in your two cents. As if I am sharing my thoughts with you over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, while we eat the last of the Easter candy
I tried to think of tips and wisdom that I could share about what I have learned from blogging over the past nine years, but my friend Alison pretty much summed it all up in her series, A Bloggers Journey – which if you are new to blogging or considering blogging you should ABSOLUTELY read.
So I guess, in the end, what I really want to say on this occasion of my 9th Blogiversary is this:
Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for following along.
Thank you for your encouragement, your friendship, your words of wisdom, and your prayers.
Thank you for showing up and cheering me on.
Thank you for being here and thank you for coming back.
Thank you for being you and for liking me.
Much love always-
alison says
Thank you for writing!!
(And for encouraging me to do the same)
Happy Blog-i-versary!!!
Melody says
I am so glad I found you again. You are so inspiring to me. Keep up the writing and I’ll keep reading. It is your “realness” that I am drawn to.
Traci@tracesoffaith says
So glad you’re blogging. I think it’s beautiful how you combine photographs with writing. You described yourself well, I like reading your words and seeing your pictures together. They’re partners. Thanks too for your words on blogging in general. I’m new to this blogging community and struggle to know what I should consider “success.”
LillyLewin says
Love this! So glad to be with you this week! Looking forward to keeping in touch and seeing how we might put our creative minds together! ?