Y’all. We did it. We made it through a 13 service Holy Week intact and happy! Alleluia!
And even though I am low on words, because I am low on energy, I had to post these pics of us dying our Easter Eggs because if I don’t my grandmother Maw will worry. This is the first year we haven’t been able to go to her house on Holy Saturday to dye our eggs in years, and she was worried that we would miss this tradition all together because of our crazy week. I promised her that we would dye eggs, and by golly, by the skin of our teeth, we did!
Saturday between stuffing eggs for the hunt and going back to the church for the late night vigil, we ran home for a dinner of leftovers, and egg dying, on the deck. Because the dining room table is still covered with tools for the kitchen remodel we decided to dye the eggs on the deck, on the card table. So much less stress about mess this way. Plus we got to enjoy the absolutely amazing weather. And I pinched myself one more time that we live here. It really is a dream come true.
Wylie got ahold of the infamous wax crayon first and made this beautiful egg.
Isn’t he a handsome young man? Cannot believe he is almost as tall as me. The first time we dyed eggs he had to sit on my lap. Next year he will probably tower over me. Please, will someone make it stop?
All the colors = all the happy.
Egg dying has never been just for kids in our house. Even Sweet Man gets in on the action.
Pink Death Star Egg. Disney needs to call me. I think I could trademark this.
This face. Those freckles. The spaghetti sauce on the chin. Be still my heart.
This year we only dyed two dozen and it was only our time constraints that kept me from feeling cheated. When the whole gang is together – aunts and uncles and grandparents – we have been known to dye four -five dozen. I think I could dye eggs for days.
The cracked eggs are always my favorites to dye. I love their broken beauty. I love how the color seeps in and leaves traces of its presence on the cooked egg itself. I love to make egg salad, all marbled with the pinks and blues and purples of Easter morning.
Which is just the beauty of Eastertide isn’t it?
Much love friends!
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