Today I lost my mind.
I didn’t mean to, it just sort of slipped away. Took the back door when I wasn’t looking.
I had to take the dog to work with me (because of the rain,) which lasted about an hour, before we gave up and went home to work. It was like having a toddler again.
Getting stuff done with a toddler in tow was never my strong point.
I thought maybe that was why I was a little off kilter, andI was able to get some really productive things done from home, so I thought things were getting better.
Until I had to fill out some paperwork.
I filled it out and sent it on thinking I had done everything perfectly fine.
Then Sweet Man called me and pointed out that I had typed my social security number, cell number, his work number, and our birthdays wrong.
Among other things.
Originally I was going to make dinner tonight but we are going out for Mexican instead.
Who knows what I would cook under these conditions.
Here kids, want to some egg shells and dry pasta? It’s delicious!
I think my brain checked out because she had had enough.
Because all of my big “first” at the new job are over. First Sunday School program, first Youth Group night, first Sermon, first Evening Prayer service, first Blessings of the Backpacks, first committee…
For two months everything had been about getting through all of those “first,” and last night was the final official first.
So today, it appears, my brain took a vacation.
She wiped her hands clean, packed a bag, and caught the red-eye.
These things happen.
She will return eventually.
Tonight, margaritas!
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