There is a new girl in the house and her name is Maria, or St. Maria, depending on how the wind blows my mood.
Jeanetta painted her for me, and I am head-over-heels in-love.
I guess if I can’t have an actual farm -yet- I will just keep finding ways to bring the farm to the city.
Not too shabby a solution wouldn’t you say?
Jeanetta recently moved her father’s drafting table into her bedroom and all I can say is, this girl is on fire! So proud to see her doing her art thing again. And more than happy to benefit from this bout of inspiration 🙂
Speaking of being proud of my IRL friends…
My friend Alison won Yarnells for a YEAR! See how HERE and check out all the other fun she and her family are having of late. Things are never boring at Chino House : )
My friend Sarabeth recently wrote a sweet and funny post for the Little Rock Family Blog and will be reading a piece she wrote at the Northwest Arkansas Performance of Listen to Your Mother. I am truly sad that I will not be able to make that road trip with the gals, but luckily I get to know SB in real life and therefore get to experience her fabness regularly.
My friend Liz has been writing up a storm lately about all sorts of topics; from boobs to Voldermort noses. I love watching her blog -and her – grow and change.
and lastly I have to ask if you are planning on coming to the Arkansas Women Bloggers Conference? I hope so, because a) I will be there and I would love to see you, and 2) It is at one of my most favorite Camp and Retreat Centers – Ferncliff {which is where my parents were married of few dozen years ago…}
I learned so much at the 2012 gathering and met so many great women. I found the entire experience to be encouraging, low-stress and helpful. If you are a blogger or thinking of becoming a blogger then I think you might just enjoy this gathering. I will probably talk about this again from time to time, but I wanted to give you a heads up so you could start saving your pennies!
OK, I have been reading your questions and hope to start on them first thing Monday.
This week has been a dozy and the blogging break was helpful, thanks for sticking around.
M. says
OMG! I could not love that cow picture more! I would love it if you sold copies, you know, just a copy of the one you did. That would be awesome. I bet others would love it too. Mona
M. says
This is Mona from above. My e-mail address is if you want to contact me. Thank you!