Hello friends. How was your weekend? Mine was good despite my hobbledness. I took a lot of naps (a la pain killers.) Tweeted, pinned, read, crocheted, and realized all the things that it is hard to do on crutches. Like taking pictures. Or pouring milk. And showering. Oy vey.
We are throwing a Halloween party on Wednesday, and I am trying to go forward with the breakfast nook makeover (slow and steady wins the race) and then before you know it Thanksgiving and Advent will be here, broken foot or not.
But I cannot complain.
I am just grateful that this did not happen in the summer in 100 degree temps with two birthday parties and back-to-school to deal with. I think that might have been the end of me.
The real villain in this whole story is a very long, solid wood, green bench in our dining room. It was the beast that fell on my foot, and now Sweet Man is determined that it be banished and replaced.
So, confined as I am to staying on my behind, I have spent the majority of the weekend trolling Craigslist and Overstock and Pinterest looking for a solution, and I think I may be more confused than ever. If you have a moment, I could really use some advice on what to do.
To help you get the full picture, let me tell you what the plan is for the dinning room overall:
This is pretty much how it is right now. All plane jane from our house showing days.
The only things I am sure I am keeping are the table and the light blue wainscoting.
At some point we will be adding this vintage paintable wallpaper on the top half of the walls and painting it a shade of yellow somewhere in the light chartreuse family if I can find one I like.
So the next question is regarding the chairs. Do we keep the mismatched look and just build on it? Or do we buy all new chairs in one style? Or do we combine- keep the cottage bench (not the evil green one) and add 4 chairs? Or do we bite the bullet and get 6? And which style? The wallpaper is a traditional pattern but will be in a funky color. This room sits dead center between the kitchen and the living room and so we travel through it and look at it all day. I want it to have the same sort of casual vibe that the rest of the house has; Urban cottage farmhouse.
So here are my favorite looks, tell me what you think:
Option 1: Classic Windsor. One can never go wrong with a good, sleek Windsor.
Option 2: Painted metal, french garden chair look.
Fun, kid friendly, the urban element.
Option 3: Mid-century modern. Easy to clean, a nice counter to the frilly wallpaper.
Option 4: Another version of the Windsor, more of a Shaker style in a raspberry tone. Probably my least favorite for our house, but still worth a mention.
So that is what I am thinking about, all laid up on the couch and hobbled. What do you think? Which chairs do you think would look best? And how many? Or should I just stick with what I have?
Let me know, I will be listening.
Hope your Monday is lovely dear ones.
tana50 says
I am so glad to hear those curtains are going. You have much better taste and decorating sense than I do but I look at those curtains and think, …..damn!
Brittany says
Sorry to hear you broke your leg. I love the wallpaper ou picked.
Kim says
That wallpaper is awesome! Want!
As for chairs, my parents had a shaker style that has lasted through their marriage day to now. They have a wonderful patina on them now from years and years of love. I'll ask my mom who made them and let you know! They're traditional style but casual looking.
Anonymous says
Hi, About the chairs, Windsor says 90s oak country to me! Modern chairs are just yuck to me. Everybody is different though! Love the french garden, and the last ones the best. Sorry about the leg! Jodi PS. I LOVE the red french vichy check curtains!
brigett c. says
I'm all for the fun and funky metal chairs but I think what u have now will work also. Can't wait to see how the wallpaper project goes.
Jen Kershner says
I love a mix! Here's what I'm thinking. A bench on one side, 2 windsors at each end and the opposite the bench 2 contrasting funky chairs.
I hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs from Indiana!
Amber says
I would go with the Windsor or metal chairs. The metal ones could be stacked up to move more easily for your many soirees. I personally think the metal ones seem more like your aesthetic, but the Windsor are timeless and may serve you better for the long haul if you're looking for something that will last for decades. When I saw the black one I thought, “NO! She's not serious!” Then the blue ones showed up and calm was restored 😉
Manuela@A Cultivated Nest says
I LOVE those curtains! Dear me what does that say about my decorating taste? 🙂
I like the windsor chairs painted fun colors or keep the chairs you have. I like the idea of that traditional wallpaper painted a fun color. That's going to look great!
Hedy King says
Sorry about the foot, ouch, but don't kill the bench. I'm sure it never intended to hurt you. I love the French Garden chairs, but I also think yours are very useable still. The wallpapr will be fantastic if you can find that color, with the pale blue…perfection. I bet your party was a hoot or a howl, maybe 🙂