Do you miss summer camp? Did you love the craft cabin? Do you wish you could do it all again? Maybe you didn’t like to craft then but you do now?
Well you can, and right in your own home!
Introducing Camp STORIA
What it is: A password protected blog that will feature fun vintage inspired craft projects (beyond Popsicle sticks we promise) downloads, recipes and entertaining ideas for you, all centered around a specific holiday/seasonal related theme.
Who it is for: Anyone who wants to add a little more crafty fun to their life!
When it is: Our first session – Camp OLD GLORY starts June 24 and runs through July 10.
Our second session Camp BEACH BUM will start July 24 and run through August 10.
What does it cost: $ 15 for 6 crafts and bonus downloads per session.
(here is a little tease preview of the crafts from session 1)
How to make it the most fun:
Sign up today and tell your friends to sign up, then get together and host Camp STORIA crafting parties or end-of camp reveals in your home, munching on s’mores and other great camp like treats! No bug spray needed!
How to register for camp:
Use this Paypal button or contact me for further info:
OR Check out at my Etsy Shoppe
(Passwords will go out 8AM central/standard US time on June 24)
Camp Directors Note:
This is a new venture and something I have been wanting to do for a long time. If this is something people get excited about and like, I will happily keep doing them all year and eventually host a real live Camp here in Arkansas…but that is still a ways off.
PLEASE let me know what you think! And please pass this info on to anyone you think might like to be a Crafty Camper Gal. We will even start a flickr group if enough campers register!
Sarah and Jack says
🙁 My bloglines had not updated your blog for me for the past TWO weeks! >>(Must go deposit some of that yard sale cash so I can join in on the fun!)
paperjunk-lc says
Sounds like fun!>Will you be sharing any how to’s on crowns?
Jerusalem says
Yes! There will be a Crown-how-to!
paperjunk-lc says
Count me in…I just signed up for camp!
Jenny says
Sounds like fun! I am thinking about signing up. I truly have no craft ability. I can’t even cut straight. My sister helps me with my scrapbooks and she won’t even allow me to cut anything. I just get to peel and put stickers on the back of photos. 🙂 Last Halloween I tried to make a pumpkin craft and everyone thought that my 3 year old made it. Ack! I would really just love to see how everything that everyone makes turns out. Plus I love the 4th of July holiday!
Jerusalem says
Hi Jenny!>>I promise that all the crafts/ideas are super cute and super easy – perfect for all crafters and non-crafters alike! I adore the 4th of July too – I can pick between it and Christmas for my favorite holiday!>>Hope you can join us!
Liz says
What a fabulous idea! I’ll give you a shout out on my blog if you want… since I’m about as crafty as a lame donkey. 🙂
J4 says
COOL BEANS!>>daddyo
ReminisceHeirlooms says
This is such a fun idea Jerusalem!!!
Caleen says
Hi!! Is it too late to sign up?! Lately, I have been having trouble with paypal.. I don’t know why.. I will try it again.. It sounds so fun!! Is it o.k. if I put the camp storia on my blog or is that taboo..>Please let me know if I am too late..>thank you 🙂>caleen
disa says
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