Today is Tablecloth Thursday, as sponsored by Hollyhocks. She is way ahead of me on her total count -she has over 50 I think she said..
I only have 7 currently. I have sold several in my shoppes and I don’t like to spend a ton of money on them, so I wait till I find that perfect bargain… I use all of my tablecloths, though not as much as I used too. I have an oilcloth cover on the kitchen table, and the dining room table pretty much stays hidden under glitter and paper these days.
Wylie (my oldest) was never one of those kids who drew on every surface he could find, but Miles IS that kid. And I guess I have also kept them put away until I feel they are somewhat safe again… All of them have holes and small stains here and there, and I don’t mind that – those are signs of love & good use, but Miles could probably completely “embellish” and “alter” any of them in under 5 minutes if left alone… So for now my lovely cloths only come out for very special – and supervised – occasions…
This is one of my favorites because it belonged to my Maw. I stole it from her about 2 years ago I think… They call me Sticky Fingers because I am always walking out of her house with goodies that I find… But could you resist red cherries on a pink background? I didn’t think so!
So there you have it, my first Tablecloth Thursday. From now on, when I think of it, or when it works out, I will be sharing new tablecloths I have bought for myself, or the shoppes, or maybe I will even show one on a table someday… Maybe…
PAT says
I love old tablecloths and have a few of them, I use now and then.>>We’re taking a little road trip south, this evening. I thought about you when I was writing a blog post about the trip.>>Pat
Liz says
I love your Maw’s tablecloth, it’s so much more exciting when they mean something.I have one of my great-grandmothers and I’m just crazy about it.
daisy cottage says
I *heart* your tablecloths! >>xo,>Kim
jeanetta says
ooo you sooo need a clothesline!!!!
Sarah and Jack says
Lovely! I love seeing them on the fence. I often throw mine there even though I have a clothesline.
Mom says
Do you see red in all those. “Red is my signature color!” Love em all. >Mom
The Rose Room says
I love all of them, like you I mostly sell mine on to new homes. But maybe not from now on . . .
Nancy says
Ooohhh, I love vintage tablecloths! I might have to ask my personal shopper to start looking for some as we don’t find them here. 😉 There’s nothing lovlier than tablecloths (or aprons) swinging on a clothes line.
Liz says
I just did a google image search and there it was. Another great place to find classic movie star photos is on Turner Classic Moviee message boards.
melissa @ the inspired room says
Those tablecloths are so pretty! I think this is my first visit here, but I haven’t scrolled down to see if I might’ve stopped in before. In either case, nice to meet you! Lovely blog!>>Melissa
Bren says
I have joined the “Tablecloth Thursday” also. I love your tableclothes especially the one that was your mom’s.>Love seeing them on a fence, they look so cottagy.>>Be on the look-out for some while your on vacation. I bet it’s going to be pretty in Missouri and hopefully you will see some FALL color.>🙂 Bren