Hello friends! Winter may finally be here. Today was sooo cold. I actually had to wear a heavy coat, gloves, hat and scarf when I went out. Shocking! Arkansas weather is so random that you never know what you are going to wake up too, but I am glad to feel a little frost.
Anyway, after I managed to bundle myself from head to toe, I went to the shoppe to spruce it up a little; to take Christmas down, and start setting it up for Valentines Day.
Jeanetta (my partner in craft) is coming for a visit in a few weeks (hip-hip-hurrah!) and will bring so many more of her delightful and lovely pieces to round out what I already have. She has been working hard on goodies for V-Day too and I can’t wait to see what all she has created. Since we do all our plotting via IM and phone calls, it is always fun when a package arrives from her and I get to see what I have been hearing about for so long. This time she will be arriving along with her package and we will get to set up the shoppe together before the next Shop and Sip. What fun!
We are taking a more seasonal approach to the shoppe these days, and seeing how that goes. Since it is such a small, small space and doesn’t have any room for big ticket items like furniture, a steady turnover of holiday and event specific trinkets, small art work and gifts seems like the best course of action. Throw in some vintage linens and china and ba-boom – a shoppe is born! Now, if the shoppers will just come out of hibernation long enough to love it too…
jeanetta says
hmmmmm…… smashed meat in a can?? ……… I think they call that….. spam.
jeanetta says
i am so supper splendily excited to come. 🙂
disa says