Lately, inspiration has been slow to come. Well slow and crowded out by all the other stuff in life. Stuff like work and bills and sickness and calendars. I feel like my mind has been in a fog since the summer and I am ready to break free. Now that the cool weather is here to stay (cross your fingers) maybe I can unpack all the creative boxes in my brain and heart, and find some time to play and craft….
I am also in creative limbo because what I really want to do is to get excited about Christmas, but in an effort to stay focused, I am putting off Christmas thoughts till after our Halloween Hoopla next week. I have pledged, “No new Christmas magazines till Nov 1!” Oh, the insanity!
Last year at this time I was really into scanning collages onto the computer and then making cards out of them. It was a lot of fun and full of the warm fuzzies that come with great inspiration. I am hoping to do some Christmas ones this year for my business and family cards. Maybe if I get started now…
Also I have found the most kindred spirit and creative inspiration from a gal in Portland. She makes me want to be all Rosy like Posie and I am having a hard time doing what needs to be done, and not making fab scallop buntings or flower pins. Maybe in November I can find a weekend to send the boys to the country and I can make big crafty messes with fabric and glue and glitter and not have to worry about it being stepped in by little feet, and spread about by little hands.
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